Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Winding Down

With a week and a half left of school, I've been reflecting on the past four years at Penn and really the past 17 years or so of schooling. I just can't believe it's all coming to an end. I feel like I've been in school for so long, and that school is all I really know. Sure I've had summer jobs and internships, but in just three and a half months, I will be starting a completely new chapter of my life where just about nothing will be familiar. It's a pretty scary thought.

Perhaps what's really getting me though is that I don't think I'll be as sad to leave college as I was when I left high school. Don't get me wrong - Penn has been great. I've had my ups and downs here, but in the end I don't think I'd trade it for any other college. And I know that each chapter of my life is a unique and worthwhile experience in and of itself, but I can't help but feel that I missed out on something in college that somehow I had found in high school.

The funny thing is that I don't think I could ever return to life as it was in high school, as much as I miss those days. I've changed and have embraced the independence and freedom that college as afforded me. Perhaps, then, still being in college has just blinded me to the great experiences I've had here. After all, you don't appreciate what you have until you've lost it. If this is the case, I guess only time can render a verdict.

In the meantime, I plan to live it up to the fullest while I still can. With a week and a half of class left, a week of reading days/finals, and two weeks to say goodbye to friends, maybe I'll find whatever it is I've been looking for or maybe I'll realize that I've had it all along.


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