Friday, December 08, 2006

The Grates!

After two tough midterms this week and before studying for my last big one on Monday, I attended an Oxford Collapse/The Grates/We Are Scientists concert with Lawrence at the Middle East in Central Square. It was awesome! Opening acts are usually a gamble, especially at small indie shows, but both Oxford Collapse and The Grates were amazing.

The Grates, in fact, are my new favorite band. They are an Australian band with such great energy and enthusiasm, and their music is upbeat, catchy and creative. The lead singer has an unfathomable amount of energy. She didn't stop jumping around the stage the entire set, almost exactly like the way she dances in the video for their song Science is Golden.

After the show Lawrence and I stuck around so I could buy a Grates t-shirt. We ended up talking to The Grates' lead singer and drummer, with both of whom I was able to take the picture I posted here. They were so friendly, and it was clear from our conversation that they really love what they do. Seeing their passion channeled into a creative, successful outlet just warmed my heart and won me over. :) Well, they also won me over because the lead singer thinks I have the shiniest hair in the world. I'm a sucker for compliments.


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