Monday, March 06, 2006

Staten Island Chuck

Staten Island Chuck predicted that Spring would come early, unlike other groundhogs (e.g., Pennsylvanian ones). In a discussion with a Masshole co-worker today, I learned that no one even knows who Staten Island Chuck is! Even in NYC, the Pennsylvania groundhog, who I will not refer to by name to respect Chuck, was the one making the headlines!

Needless to say, it's getting warmer, even in gloomy Boston, and it's not been 6 weeks since Groundhog's Day. Staten Island Chuck deserves more respect and publicity for his weather predictions. Chuck is one of the few things Staten Island could have going for it. In the 18 years I lived there, Staten Island's only other claim to fame has been the Wu Tang Clan. Staten Islanders need to start building Staten Island Chuck up as the national groundhog. This blog entry is just the beginning.

As a side note, I believe this is me rooting for the underdog again. Honestly, Staten Island Chuck has no chance. I don't think people in Staten Island even know who he is.


Blogger Lawrence David said...

you forgot about staten island's other claim to fame =)

12:43 AM  
Blogger Christina said...

Well there's the dump, the ferry, and the mob. The Godfather and many other mob movies (and War of the Worlds!) were filmed on Staten Island. Such stars as Christina Aguilera, Alyssa Milano, Steven Segal, Charlie Sheen, Martin Sheen, and Emilio Estevez have lived on Staten Island. Arguably, Staten Island was the birthplace of tennis in America. Staten Island has one of the highest asthma rates per capita in the country. It is the only Republican borough in New York City. It has some of the best pizza, Italian ice, and Italian food I'd argue in the US. Kurt Vonnegut loves visiting the Chinese Scholar's Garden in Snug Harbor. And then of course there's me! :) Which of these did you think is Staten Island's other claim to fame?
(Am I a Staten Island fact sheet or what? And I don't even like Staten Island, except when non-Staten Islanders attack it. Then I must defend.)

12:33 PM  

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