Sunday, July 15, 2007

Lamest Summer Ever

This weekend was a much-needed reminder of what study-free summer weekends are like. Lawrence and I held a successful garage sale, ran errands, and watched a couple movies. It was nice. :) Having just finished the MCAT on Friday (may I NEVER take them again), this is the first weekend in a while that I've not had those cursed Examkrackers MCAT prep books propped open. I have about 30 days until I receive the results. Wish me luck.

Sadly, Lawrence is still recovering from his colonoscopy complications. He in fact started bleeding again about 12 hours before I had to take my MCAT. The poor thing kept passing blood throughout the night, but let me have a good night's sleep for my big exam. Any other night, he would have awoken me at midnight, when the bleeding reached its peak, to run to the ER. Instead he went to sleep hoping he wouldn't lose too much blood in the night so that I could take the MCAT with only the MCAT on my mind. Now that's love.

This really has been the lamest summer ever. I've spent most of it studying for the MCAT, and with the trip being canceled, I'll spend all of it in LAME-O Boston. Lawrence has been sick (shingles and internal bleeding) and stressed (quals were two weeks ago) all summer. I hope August has better things in store for us than June and July have had.


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