Monday, May 14, 2007

The Arcade Fire Rules and Finals Drool

My finals start tomorrow and end May 23rd- I'll be incommunicado until they're done. One more week of the post-bac madness before the MCAT madness! I take things one step at a time since I don't think I could ever handle this post-bac/pre-mad insanity otherwise.

Still, I like to blog about the goings on in my life so I can look back on it all one day and remember how great or crazy or dull or whatever my life was at one point. With finals, I don't have the time to appropriately blog about the Arcade Fire concert Lawrence, Jesse, Hillary, and I went to last week, but I wanted to post something timely. (It was the most awesome concert I've ever been to, and I think I need to retire from concert-going since next to nothing can top this one.) So here are quick fix #1 and quick fix #2 to my time shortage problem. Thanks for taking the time to write them, Lawrence. :)

Monday, May 07, 2007

My Boyfriend Likes to Knock Me Over and Land on Me

Lawrence and I were on the South Shore of Boston cycling through Wompatuck State Park on Saturday. There were some cool, old abandoned buildings in the park we had come across after cycling for almost two hours. I think it must have been an old fort or base or school bus parking lot- I couldn't really tell from the decrepit buildings. The amateur photographer that Lawrence is HAD to get my camera that we forgot in the car to take some pictures. So we rode back the two miles to the car to fetch the camera.

On the way back, we crossed some tricky railroad tracks where Lawrence specifically mentioned to be careful. Guess who stumbled across the tracks as we were riding back to the old buildings with the camera?!?! Lawrence's wheel got caught in the tracks that were veering off to the left. He tried to maneuver out of the tracks, but ended up falling to his right and ONTO ME! I cushioned his fall and scraped my right knee and left calf. "The camera is safe!" he first exclaimed, and not, "are you ok?" He then had the audacity to tell me the fall wasn't too bad! He of course went on to document my fall with my camera.

Here are some visuals so you can relive the experience with me.

Approaching the railroad tracks

I'm down!

The aftermath

Saturday, May 05, 2007

My Morning Commute

Every morning I ride my bike a mile to get to the bus stop where a free shuttle takes me to work. During most winter mornings, I wear a ski mask during my commute- it is just too cold to have any skin exposed. With the spring, though, I get to be mask free and my senses are fully exposed to my surroundings.

Most morning commutes in the mask free season involve smelling the magic of fresh Junior Mints as I pass by the Junior Mints factory on the way to work. Who knew Cambridge was once a candy manufacturing mecca? Unfortunately, the Junior Mints factory is the only remnant of that golden candy era in Cambridge. Lucky for me, though, it is up and running, emitting the sweet smell of Junior Mints at 7:30AM as I drowsily trudge to work. I usually arrive at my job at the Joslin Diabetes Center looking for sugar. I love life's little ironies.